Forest School

We are a Forest School. These schools originated in Scandinavia and research in the early year’s sector shows the positive impact that these types of schools have on young children’s development. Three of our practitioners have attended accredited training and we became a Forest School in early 2012. Our children use the woods close to the nursery every week. The children explore the natural world and by doing so develop their problem solving skills, risk taking, thinking skills, social skills and general well being. All of these equip your child with the foundations for lifelong learning and help to prepare them for the world around them.

Forest school sessions allow children to take the lead in their own learning, they are able to direct, choose, plan, and risk access their own play. The adult acts as a facilitator to the children, they bring ideas, creativity and new challenges for children to explore. Forest School sessions at Dimples happen weekly with the pre-school aged children. One level 3 qualified Forest school leader will be present so that the children have the opportunity to use tools, whittle wood, learn about fires and explore the natural environment. Forest school happens regardless of the weather as there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing! Exploring the outdoors in all seasons in a fundamental element for children to discover and learn about.

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is very important for young children and all of our children use the outside areas whatever the weather. Parents are asked to provide suitable clothing so that children can go outside in all weather conditions. We have several large sand areas, a mud pit, vegetable patches and the children use the field areas regularly. As soon as children are ready we involve them in the process of growing, picking and eating fruit and vegetables. All rooms have herbs, some vegetables and fruits growing in their own gardens and children also help to tend the vegetable patch too.

Gardening Club

Our gardener Nick does weekly sessions on a Wednesday with our preschool children.  He teaches children about what types of fruits and vegetables grow in different seasons and the children help to prepare the ground ready for sowing/ planting.  The children use the produce they grow to cook with and take home to share with their families.  Nick also shows the children how to keep the crops safe from animals and wildlife.  Gardening club is a loved activity here at Dimples and it has really encouraged to be more adventurous to try new foods. 

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